Committee Officers
President / Gale Thomas / president@shawuatl.org
Vice President / Claude Jones / vicepresident@shawuatl.org
Treasurer / Mitchell Gibbs / treasurer@shawuatl.org
Corresponding Secretary / Linda Jenkins / communications@shawuatl.org
Recording Secretary / Pat Lewis / recordingsecretary@shawuatl.org
Chaplain / Linda Boyd / chaplain@shawuatl.org
Parliamentarian / Eintou Karima / parliamentarian@shawuatl.org
Webmaster / Paul Benitez / webmaster@shawuatl.org
Committee Chairs
Budget-Finance / Mitchell Gibbs / treasurer@shawuatl.org
Nominations and Elections Committee / Eintou Karima, Robin Shipp, and Theresa Catwright / nominations@shawuatl.org
Fundraising / TBA / fundraising@shawuatl.org
Historian / May Benitez / historian@shawuatl.org
Hospitality / Pat Lewis / hospitalty@shawuatl.org
Membership / Gale Thomas / membership@shawuatl.org
Publicity / TBA / publicity@shawuatl.org
Scholarship / TBA / scholarship@shawuatl.org
Technology / Paul Benitez / technology@shawuatl.org
Webmaster/ Paul Benitez / webmaster@shawuatl.org