
Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs

Gale Thomas
Gale ThomasPresidentpresident@shawuatl.org
The President serves as chairperson of the Executive Committee, appoint the chair and members of all committees. The President acts for The Chapter, in collaboration with Executive Officers, authenticate by signature all proceedings and correspondence representing The Chapter in an official capacity.
Claude Jones
Claude JonesVice Presidentvicepresident@shawuatl.org
The duty of the Vice President is to preside in the absence of the President. The Vice President is an ex-officio member of all standing sub-committees. He is also responsible for the preparation, development, and presenting standard operating policies and procedures of the chapter’s operation and function.
Mitchell Gibbs
Mitchell GibbsTreasurertreasurer@shawuatl.org
The Treasurer submit reports at each Executive Committee meeting, maintain written records of all funds-income and disbursements, and reconcile bank statements and financial records.
Eintou Karima
Eintou KarimaParliamentarian
The duty of the Parliamentarian is to advise the President, other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure as appropriate and to assist the President in maintaining order at all times. The Parliamentarian shall serve as chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee and perform other duties as the office may require.
Linda Boyd
Linda BoydChaplainchaplain@shawuatl.org
The duty of the Chaplain is to be in charge of the openings and closing of Membership Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings and whenever appropriate on behalf of The Chapter.
Pat Lewis
Pat LewisRecording Secretaryrecordingsecretary@shawuatl.org
The Recording Secretary will keep a record of all meetings of The Chapter and the Executive Committee, to prepare and maintain the attendance roster of the Executive Committee and president and record and maintain all minutes.
Linda Jenkins
Linda JenkinsCorresponding Secretarycommunications@shawuatl.org
The Recording Secretary’s role involves disseminating information about chapter events, meetings, and other gatherings through various channels, including platforms like Constant Contact and media outlets. Additionally, they assist other committees in promoting their events.
Paul Benitez
Paul BenitezWebmasterwebmaster@shawuatl.org
The webmaster will be an advocate for promoting the systemic integration of Shaw Alumni web presence. This may include, but is not limited to, working with various committees to provide appropriate web development training and content updates.

Committee Officers

President / Gale Thomas / president@shawuatl.org

Vice President / Claude Jones / vicepresident@shawuatl.org

Treasurer / Mitchell Gibbs / treasurer@shawuatl.org

Corresponding Secretary / Linda Jenkins / communications@shawuatl.org 

Recording Secretary / Pat Lewis / recordingsecretary@shawuatl.org

Chaplain / Linda Boyd / chaplain@shawuatl.org

Parliamentarian / Eintou  Karima / parliamentarian@shawuatl.org

Webmaster / Paul Benitez / webmaster@shawuatl.org


Committee Chairs

Budget-Finance / Mitchell Gibbs / treasurer@shawuatl.org

Nominations and Elections Committee / Eintou Karima, Robin Shipp, and Theresa Catwright /  nominations@shawuatl.org  

Fundraising / TBA / fundraising@shawuatl.org

Historian / May Benitez / historian@shawuatl.org

Hospitality / Pat Lewis / hospitalty@shawuatl.org

Membership / Gale Thomas / membership@shawuatl.org

Publicity / TBA / publicity@shawuatl.org

Scholarship / TBA / scholarship@shawuatl.org

Technology / Paul Benitez / technology@shawuatl.org

Webmaster/ Paul Benitez / webmaster@shawuatl.org

The Mission of the Greater Alumni Atlanta Chapter is to promote fellowship among local alumni, fundraise and assist in recruitment and retention of students for the advancement of Shaw University.

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