Overview of Committees

The Communications Committee is responsible for getting the word out on chapter events, meetings and other gatherings via various outlets and media as well as assisting other committees with marketing their events. We want to ensure that everyone is aware of our activities so that all can participate.

If you are interested in volunteering with the Communications Committee, please contact us at communications@shawuatl.org.
The Community Affairs & Outreach Committee is responsible for ensuring the Chapter has a far reaching impact within the Metro-Atlanta community. This committee shall render an impact that will affect the Metro-Atlanta area and support those in need in the community in which we live.

To volunteer with the Community & Outreach Committee or if you have a great fundraising idea, please contact us at communityaffairs@shawuatl.org.
The Constitution and By-Laws Committee is responsible for receiving and evaluating recommendations for changes in The Chapter’s constitution and by-laws. Upon receipt of any recommended changes, this committee shall evaluate the proposed changes and present them to the Executive Committee for review and approval.

The committee shall provide copies of the Constitution and By-Laws to the members within thirty (30) days following approval of the revised changes.

If you are interested in either of these, or assisting with the committee sometime in the future, please contact us at scholarship@shawuatl.org.
The Finance Committee is responsible for the management and disbursement of Association funds.  The committee will also prepare an annual operating budget for submission to the Executive Committee, reviewing and recommending budget modifications quarterly as may be appropriate, and evaluating and reviewing the financial needs of The Chapter on an annual basis. 

The committee shall review all requests for expenditures and make recommendations to the Executive Committee; monitor expenditures of The Chapter to ensure budgetary compliance; advice and make recommendations to the Executive Committee. 

If you are interested in assisting with the committee or sometime in the future, please contact us at Treasuer@shawuatl.org.
The Fundraising Committee's major purpose is to raise funds for the Chapter's scholarships donations and general operating activities. The Committee has several signature events including a Jazz Brunch, Atlanta Braves Baseball game and several mixers throughout Atlanta. 

To volunteer with the Fundraising Committee or if you have a great fundraising idea, please contact us at fundraising@shawuatl.org.
The Hospitality Committee is built on relationships — both personal and professional. Our chapter gives you a way to keep in touch with old classmates and make new friends and contacts. 

If you are interested in either of these, or assisting with the committee sometime in the future, please contact us at hospitality@shawuatl.org.
The Membership Committee serves to recruit, retain and reward financial members of the Chapter. Additionally, the Committee is responsible for creating social activities to maintain camaraderie amongst Metro-Atlanta Shaw Bears.

Annual activities include recruitment drives, participation at Chapter events to establish a presence, membership rewards, and membership welfare and support. Our 2019 Membership Drive plays an important role in the ongoing excellence at Shaw University.

The Greater Atlanta Shaw Alumni and friends have the unique opportunity to support their alma mater through their actions, ideas and innovations!

We encourage you to consider joining the alumni association and assist our beloved university thrive towards excellence! The knowledge you acquired. The skills you honed. The friends you made. That's what supporting your alma mater is about. It is about creating opportunities for the students of today and tomorrow to enjoy the rewarding academic and personal experiences that Shaw University has to offer.

To become a part of the Membership Committee and assist in hosting a membership event, making renewal phone calls, or soliciting donations for membership prizes, please send an email to membership@shawuatl.org.

The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for the preparation and presenting to the membership candidates for consideration to fill elective offices and positions in accordance with procedures described in Article IX. The committee shall seek out qualified candidates and receive recommendations from the membership for candidates desiring to serve as officers.

If you are interested in either of these, or assisting with the committee sometime in the future, please contact us at vicepresident@shawuatl.org

The Policies and Procedures Committee is responsible for the preparation and presenting standard operating procedures for the chapter’s operation and function. The committee shall develop policies and procedures for conducting chapter business. The Vice President shall be a member of this committee and shall have the responsibility for policies related to receipt and expenditure of funds for the Chapter. 

If you are interested in assisting with the committee or sometime in the future, please contact us at VicePresident@shawuatl.org.
The Scholarship Committee is responsible for the active and continuous recruitment of students to Shaw University. The Committee will process the selection of students to receive a Chapter funds and submit recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval.

The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for developing specific criteria for the awarding of scholarships funds establishing a calendar, receiving and reviewing all requests for scholarships, and making a recommendation to the Executive Committee. 

If you are interested in either of these, or assisting with the committee sometime in the future, please contact us at scholarship@shawuatl.org.

The Technology (Digital Platform) Committee is responsible for promoting the use of technology to increase efficiency of chapter’s goals, history, memberships, and events.  To define and implement digital platform strategy and technology solutions for club activities and events. The committee will make recommendations concerning acquisition, implementation, maintenance, and upgrading of the website and/or social media platforms to disseminate technology-related information to the Greater Atlanta Shaw University Alumni community.

The Committee will also be an advocate for promoting the systemic integration of Shaw Alumni web presence. This may include, but is not limited to, working with various committees to provide appropriate web development training and content updates.  

If you are interested in either of these, or assisting with the committee sometime in the future, please contact us at technology@shawuatl.org.

The Young Alumni Committee shall initiate program to encourage active participation of young (under 30) and future alumni.
If you are interested in assisting with this committee or sometime in the future, please contact us at membership@shawuatl.org.

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The Mission of the Greater Alumni Atlanta Chapter is to promote fellowship among local alumni, fundraise and assist in recruitment and retention of students for the advancement of Shaw University.

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